There’s nothing quite like that new-home smell, and there’s no better way of obtaining it than through the purchase of a beautiful pre-construction home. As exciting as the purchasing and customization process can be, there are quite a few deal and financing items that must be addressed to ensure the purchase goes through without issue. That’s where the expert support of a real estate lawyer can come in handy. The Seif Law Firm team has been helping clients across the GTA purchase pre-construction homes for years, and with detailed knowledge of the checklists and requirements needed to ensure that the transaction is completed successfully, we’re well equipped to help you with any needs.
What to Know Before Buying A Pre-Construction Home
Before you purchase a pre-construction home, there are some important items that you’ll want to take into consideration:

Ensure your contract is complete. During the exploratory and verbal negotiation stages of a pre-construction home purchase, many things may be said about the deal and its various inclusions. You’ll want to be sure to get everything written into your contract, from the marble countertops to the bathroom finishes and beyond. This will ensure that the builder can’t pull a quick one on you and leave you with a home different from what you expected to receive. Your contract will be complicated and include far more than just home finishes, which is why you’ll want an expert real estate lawyer to review it before finalization.

Complete a thorough inspection. Be sure to complete a thorough inspection of the home prior to closing to ensure that there are no major blemishes or issues with the final product. This will prevent you from taking ownership of a home that is still in need of adjustments or which has not met your specific demands.
Assess Condo Inclusions. If your pre-development home happens to be a part of a condo corporation, be sure to assess the inclusions and any accompanying expenses. Most condo corporations will include summer and winter maintenance services, but they will come at a price.

Explore Legal Fees and Disbursements. The financial side of your deal will include a variety of legal related fees, disbursements, and expenses. Having an expert real estate lawyer review the contract before completion will ensure that you aren’t overpaying or being unjustly charged in any way, often saving you money in the long run.
How We Can Help You

The Seif Law Firm has been helping clients across the GTA purchase pre-construction homes for years. We’ll work with you to ensure that the deal contract is drafted in your best interest, and that it includes all of the items requested. From purchase to move-in, you can feel confident that our expert law team is looking out for your best interest and ensuring you obtain your dream pre-construction home on the best terms possible.
When the time comes to purchase your next pre-construction home, rely on the expert service of the Seif Law Firm team to ensure that everything goes according to plan. With years of experience in the real estate law space, we’re well prepared to handle any needs that arise. Contact our team today to learn more!