Completing all fields is mandatory Have you previously made a Will?YesNoDo you have Capacity?Please Note: Generally, capacity is defined as the ability to make decisions, and to understand the consequence of those decisions.YesNoDo you have any medical conditions which would affect your Capacity?YesNoWill you be signing the Will voluntarily of your own free will without fear, threat, duress, coercion, compulsion, and/or undue influence?YesNoClient Information RequiredTESTATOR/TESTATRIX 1Please Note: The Testator or Testatrix is the person making the Will.TESTATOR/TESTATRIX 2Optional: If you would like to like to make a Joint Will for you and your spouse, please enter your spouse’s information here.ESTATE TRUSTEEPlease Note: The Estate Trustee is the person responsible for administering the Will’s instructions and your Estate after death, such as paying out the Estate’s debts and distributing assets and/or property to the Beneficiaries.Optional: If you would like to have a second Estate Trustee, please list their information here.Optional: If you would like to have a third Estate Trustee, please list their information here. If you wish to list more than three Estate Trustees, please notify us by e-mail.Act JointlyAct SeverallyAct Jointly/SeverallyPARENTAL GUARDIAN 1 Guardianship is exercised by someone who is not one of the child's parents. It is up to the person or persons with the guardian, to make decisions about the child's care and upbringing and to administer the child's property.Act JointlyAct SeverallyAct Jointly/SeverallyPARENTAL GUARDIAN 2 Guardianship is exercised by someone who is not one of the child's parents. It is up to the person or persons with the guardian, to make decisions about the child's care and upbringing and to administer the child's property.Act JointlyAct SeverallyAct Jointly/SeverallyBENEFICIARY 1Please Note: The Beneficiary is the person who will be receiving your assets and/or property after your death.BENEFICIARY 2Optional: If you would like to have a second Beneficiary, please list their information here.BENEFICIARY 3Optional: If you would like to have a third Beneficiary, please list their information here. If you wish to list more than three Beneficiaries, please notify us by e-mail.Identification VerificationIDENTIFICATION VERIFICATIONStatus:SingleMarriedSeparatedDivorcedFirst Time Home Buyer:YesNoCriteria: TWO FORMS OF ID MUST BE THE FOLLOWINGDriver's LicencePassportPermanent Resident CardCitizenship CardSocial Insurance Number CardONE FORM OF ID MUST BE PHOTO ID WITH SIGNATUREUpload ID 1Upload ID 2You must upload the front and back side of your IDAdditional InformationClient Consent re: CommunicationPlease list any other person or persons that our office may discuss information regarding your file. By filling in the below, you acknowledge the risks associated with various forms of client communication such as emails and phone calls. There is a potential loss of confidentiality should the client(s) share lawyer/client emails with othersExample: Parent(s), Children, etc.Opt Out re: CommunicationPlease list any person or persons, which you are specifically not authorizing our office to communicate with regarding your matter.Signed thisNameNameClick 'Submit' once and allow 30 seconds for processing; refrain from multiple clicks to ensure successful submission.Privacy IssuesPlease note that our office will normally correspond with you by e-mail. However, there are risks to solicitor-client privilege and various privacy issues inherent in communicating details by e-mail and/or other electronic media. By completing this form, you are acknowledging these risks, and agreeing for our law office to communicate with you by e-mail.Reliance on Information ProvidedWe are relying on the accuracy of the information you have provided in this form in completing your transaction, which has the same risks with solicitor-client privilege as identified in the “Privacy Issues” section, and our law office will not be held liable as a result of any information you have incorrectly inputted into this online form.